Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Oh you brute.

Sorry for the delay, I believe I was hung up playing video games. Now it seems that Lucky Charms (this family's personal favourite) had a short run in the 70's when the leprechaun fellow, LC, was replaced by a wizard named Waldo. It did not take off, thank god for that. But the real thrust of today's post is more of the mis-aligned marketing that's rampant, even today when products are aimed at children. Cereal is more an more marketed as a good food anymore, so it doesn't matter as much.

But a few decades ago the marketing people often did not have it figured out when it came to mascots. Case in point: Fruit Brute by General Mills. (You know they could have spelled it Fruit Bruit, or worse, Frute Brute).

It sold for an amazingly long time for a gimmicky cereal, almost ten years, and was last seen on grocers shelves in 1983. This stuff was part of the "monster series" of cereals that included Boo Berry, Count Chocula, Franken berry and of course that healthy stablemate, Yummy Mummy. The latter was discontinued too, wonder why.

The actual brute was a werewolf and the cereal was obviously fruit flavoured, but I cannot find a reliable description of just what flavour that was. I've found a few sources that describe it as something like raspberry, hmmm so so, and lime. Wow now that would be harsh.

Look for Lance eating a bowl of it in Pulp Fiction.

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