Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Digging for the Truth: Kings of the Stone Age starts our night off at 8 on History Television. At 9 they have Finding the Fallen: Ypres 1914: The First Trench. " The Northern Belgium farmlands hold the final resting place of some of the fallen of the First World War." And as usual, there is a gap while they run some mainstream shows and pay the bills. Then at midnight it's back to basics with another Digging for the Truth: Pirates: Terror in the Mediterranean. And then Christ we gotta skip another hour for another one at 2am The Aztecs: Of Blood and Sacrifice.

PBS has The Lost Pyramids of Caral at 9 as well. "Researchers believe the ancient city of Caral may be the missing link of archaeology, a stage between primitive existence and advanced society." What do you think?

A&E has a show that's just called "Ernest Hemingway" at 1 am. Think I can guess what's up. The episode guide says "Hemingway travels through Italy, Spain, France, and Africa." No point in giving us any details. Dog bites man.


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