Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Snap. Crackle.

About a month ago I had one of those "found" moments. That is to say, I found something real cool. The apartment I live in has, in its foyer, a bench on which the newspapers get piled up and where tenants leave free stuff. Usually its romance paperbacks, once there was a real weird light up clock. But . . . . . to my delight someone left a Califone 1450K, and an old colour TV.

I already have a colour TV, so I scored the Califone. For the uninitiated, its a super cool portable record player, but built for the schools as language lab devices. Made in Canada, they are tanks. But they made them in awesome colours like teal, white and cream and brown tolex. Mine's the blue one.

So I plugged it and she was dead. So sad. But tonight I popped the hood and had a good look. I'm pretty good with electronics and can read a circuit. So to my delight it was just the on board fuse. It's soldered on to the circuit board but that's an easy fix. I'll let you know how it sounds. Got my Archie's record ready. Hehe.

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