Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Hello Tostig

Bartholomew of Farne was born in England of Scandinavian parents. He quickly changed his real name, Tostig, to William to keep from being made fun of. As a youth he travelled to Norway to study to become a priest. After 3 years he showed up back in England. He decided the monk life was for him, so sporting a new name, Bartholomew he went off to his studies.

It was during this time he had a vision of Christ with arms outstretched and head facing him. After his profession he got his papers and he decided to move to Inner Farne island. This island had sported another famous recluse, St. Cuthbert, who inspired even another saint, that being St. Godric of Finchale. They kept pretty tight these saints did. I believe somewhere on this blog is a post about him.

Being of the eremitical stripe, he did not need to or feel quite up to spending much time with others. A hermit already living there when he arrived left. Many years later another arrived and he moved away for a short time over a tiff about meals. He later returned and seemed to work out an agreeable schedule.

You can celebrate Saint Bartholomew of Farne day June 24.

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