Monday, December 3, 2007

Blah blah blah

I have run the beer thing far enough for now, though like most of my other rants, I found out more in my snooping than I can ever hope to get on the pages of this blog the first time around. I found myself over the weekend trying to decide where to aim the mighty "Barn" ship this time, but I had a few distractions that got on my nerves.

Such as, I have a few lingering doubts about 9/11 and it bugs me that in the news again is the "other" airliner seen over Washington during the attacks. I had once hoped to do a few pages on the subject but it just got me so depressed thinking about how to approach the subject: On the one hand is the skeptic, the doubter who knows in his soul that the official reports don't add up. On the other a yearning for order and a simple plausable explanantion so we can get on with it. I'm still torn up over the Kennedy assasination and Marilyn's suicide.

I'm also feeling that Vietnam thing going on in Iraq, no matter how upbeat the reports get. I have plans for pieces on the American Civil War for 2008 and hopefully a shot at a few minor sized conflicts such as the Falklands War, the one that was never declared. Oh well.

So to keep the bow in the wind and the owls alert and ready I instead will spend a day or two in December, the final days of 2007, going on semi-knowledgably about video games.

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