A very long time ago on the this day, around 451 AD, Halleys Comet swooshed by. All 200 million people then living on the earth, went "whoa"
And so that the people were smart enough the next time it came by, Eton College was founded this day in 1441 by King Henry VI. The full name was "The King's College of Our Lady of Eton besides Wyndsor"
And probably on this day in 1497, Giovanni Caboto, John Cabot to you and I, landed in North America. Like another famous explorer a few years earlier, he thought he was somewhere else. The snow and the lack of spices didn't give it away I presume.
Henry VIII divorces his 4th wife, Anne of Cleves on this day in 1540. It was said she was good at cards.
Kingston Jamaica founded in 1692. First inhabitants stayed at a place called Hogs Crawle. Num.
And for all you funny handshake people out there, the 1st Free Masons' grand lodge founded in London this day in 1717.
Eleuthère Irénée du Pont, born this day in 1771. He's the guy that brought explosives into the modern world.
Next time you have a bacon sandwich, tip your hat to Gustavus Franklin Swift, born this day in 1839. Never comfortable wasting anything, he pioneered the use of animal byproducts.
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