Monday, March 9, 2009

Don't let him live in Alabama.

Please indulge me one more off topic post. This one is just too good to be true.

OK, so here's the scoop: There's this chimpanzee in Sweden (at a zoo, NOT in the Swedish jungle)who has had a habit of throwing things at visitors. Can you blame the poor bugger? I was at a zoo in Quebec once and the monkey's there were throwing poop at the gawkers, (or freaking them out by masturbating).

Granted, monkeys aren't apes, but they are practical since they came up with effective ways of making their grievances heard.

Sorry, back to the rock throwing chimp. Called Santino, he was born on 1978 and was known to pitch rocks across the safety moat at visitors, and at other chimps to display his dominance of the joint.

After a few years the other male chimp died and Santino's rock wielding died down. But a few years later the barrage began, with volleys of ten stones or more. Zoo staff conducted a stake out and discovered he was stashing ammo all over the compound in little piles. Some neatly laid out, others tucked away in secrecy.

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