Monday, February 2, 2009

Gotta have something to shoot a Fruit Brute

Today marks the anniversary of the Buck Rogers U-235 Atomic Ray Gun. This replica toy made by Daisy Manufacturing Co., was one in a string of premiums or tie ins for the insanely popular radio shows, movies and comic books.

The first ray gun tied in to the show was actually made of cardboard and came out in 1933. It was offered as a mail in freebie from Cocomalt Cereal ( "a natural laxative"). Other items included a Buck Rogers cardboard pop gun (that must have had a shelf life) and Buck Rogers and Wilma Deering cardboard helmets, all in an effort, no doubt, to get get kids screaming about the house zapping their buddies and freaking out the cat.

Honestly, the ray guns put out by Daisy are the coolest toys and look very menacing for the time.

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