Thursday, July 31, 2008

Thursday mishmash.

So as we round the turn with History Television's Hitler fest they have Servants of Evil: The Waffen SS on at 8pm. After that we get Exploring Hitler's Mountain at 9. He had a whole mountain? "Hitler spends more than 1,000 days on the Obersalzberg, at his comfortable mountain holiday refuge near Berchtesgaden." And for those who follow MIT, stay up till 2am for Mummy Forensics: Misfit. Jeez.

At 1am you can catch the 1953 version of Titanic on AMC. Not that how but a fair yarn.

Here's one dear to me, s TV show about beer. History Channel has The Works series do a piece on the amber liquid. The rest of their shows tonight kind of drift off the history meter.

But if you fancy a hay burner, TCM has a whack of them on all night. Pretty good choice to. Some Lee Marvins in there. Not bad.

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