Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Big day.

Trying to stray from the usual is often not hard on this blog. Today was tough but I'll try.

Dagwood and Blondy had a child, "Baby Dumpling" on this day in 1934. He grew up to be that teenage rascal, Alexander.

George C. Scott turned down the 1971 Oscar for best actor for Patton calling the affair a "two-hour meat parade, a public display with contrived suspense for economic reasons.” Whoa, would have liked to have been there.

Leonardo da Vinci was born this day in 1452 and went about painting and stuff.

And, one of my favourite authors, Henry James was born this day in 1843. Can he write a long sentence or what.

And, oh yeah, the Titanic sunk and Ray Kroc founded McDonald's.

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